中國石化新聞網訊 據路透社5月11日科威特城報道,科威特國有石油集團科威特石油公司(KPC)11日在科威特城表示,由于科威特尋求滿足國內炎熱夏季的能源需求,這個主要石油出口國將與荷蘭皇家殼牌公司簽署一項為期6年估計120億美元(440億第納爾)的LNG供應協議。
李峻 編譯
Kuwait to sign $12bn LNG supply deal with Shell
May 11,2014
Kuwait: Kuwait’s state oil group said on Sunday it would sign a six-year liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply deal with Royal Dutch Shell estimated at $12 billion (Dh44 billion) as the major oil exporter seeks to meet energy demands for the hot summer months.
It was not immediately clear if the contract was the same as an LNG supply deal between Kuwait Petroleum Corp and Shell reported last month in a Kuwaiti newspaper.
KPC officials were not immediately available for comment.
In a statement KPC said Oil Minister Ali Al Omair had received a delegation from Shell to sign the contract. It did not provide the volume of the super-cooled gas that would be supplied by Shell.