中國石化新聞網訊 據世界天然氣網站12月18日報道,意大利石油和天然氣行業承包商薩伊博姆可能與俄羅斯最大的獨立天然氣生產商諾瓦泰克達成協議,為北極LNG 2海上平臺提供服務。 路透社援引消息人士的話說,這項協議可能在本周簽署。 諾瓦泰克已經在尋求為北極LNG 2設施建造一個機場,并已發布了機場建設和人員配置的招標。 據報道,這筆交易可以用于部署液化天然氣處理裝置的基于重力的結構平臺,價值25億歐元(28.4億美元)。 諾瓦泰克的第二個北極液化天然氣出口項目引起了很多人的興趣,該公司已與淡馬錫擁有的Pavilion Energy,日本和中國合作伙伴以及沙特阿拉伯國家石油公司Saudi Aramco簽署了諒解備忘錄。 法國的道達爾已經同意在北極液化天然氣2號項目中持有10%的股份,并有進一步增加5%的選擇權。 關于北極液化天然氣2號項目的最終投資決定預計在2019年。 在重力平臺上組裝的設施將具有1,980萬噸液化天然氣的年產能,預計將在2022年或2023年開始生產。 李方征 編譯自 世界天然氣 原文如下: Saipem lining up Arctic LNG 2 contract with Novatek Italian oil and gas industry contractor Saipem could lock in a deal with Russia’s largest independent natural gas producer Novatek for Arctic LNG 2 offshore platforms. Citing sources, Reuters reports the deal could be signed during the week. Novatek is already looking to build an airport for the Arctic LNG 2 facility and has issued a tender for the construction as well as staffing of the airport. The deal, that would see the deployment of gravity-based structure platforms that would support the LNG processing units, is reportedly valued at €2.5 billion ($2.84 billion). Novatek’s second Arctic LNG export project raised a lot of interest and the company has already signed memorandums of understanding with Temasek-owned Pavilion Energy, Japanese and Chinese partners as well as the Saudi Arabian national oil company, Saudi Aramco. France’s Total has agreed to take a 10 percent stake in the Arctic LNG 2 project with an option for Total to add further 5 percent. The final investment decision on the Arctic LNG 2 project is expected in 2019. The facility to be assembled on gravity-based platforms will have an annual production capacity of 19.8 million tons of LNG, with production expected to start in 2022 or 2023.