訊 據俄羅斯油氣網8月23日消息稱,俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司周四宣布,該公司與俄羅斯南部羅斯托夫地區和楚瓦什共和國簽署了新的天然氣供應和氣化協議,期限為2021年至2025年,為期五年。
曹海斌 摘譯自 俄羅斯油氣網
Russia's Gazprom signs two new gas supply deals
Gazprom signed new gas supply and gasification deals with Russia’s southern Rostov region and the Chuvash Republic for a new five-year period between 2021 and 2025, the company announced on Thursday.
The total budget for planned investments in the Rostov region is estimated at 21.1 billion rubles (approx. $283 million).
The company will allocate funds for the construction of branch gas pipelines and inter-settlement gas pipelines at a total length of 1,190 km, 12 gas distribution stations (GDS), as well as the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of another nine GDS, according to Gazprom.
Gasification is planned for about 200 settlements in 22 districts in the region, including Azov, Bagaevsky, Belokalitvinsky among others.
The company also signed another agreement for gas supply and gasification for Russia’s Chuvash Republic for a new five-year period.
According to the new program, about 73 kilometers of inter-settlement gas pipelines will be built to gasify 13 settlements.
The gas supply and gasification development programs for the Rostov region and Chuvash Republic for the 2016-2020 term are currently in effect.